Master Clock - T24M07

SAAT Master Clock connects to the LAN and acts as a reliable NTP server; its parameters can be adjusted using the related software application via the network. It has three specified ports to which 9 SAAT Displays can connect and each display can be adjusted separately using the related software application via the LAN. It also benefits from three optional inputs to be used considering the environmental conditions and situation: GPS, EBU and NTP. It has the ability to. Some other distinguished features of SAAT Master Clock are: connecting to GPS antenna and receiving the time signal from satellites equipped with extra-precise clocks, acting as an NTP client in absence of other time references and using the internet as a time reference.
Main features:
- Responding NTP requests
- Extracting date and time from GPS signal
- Extracting time from EBU signal
- Extracting date and time from an NTP server in the internet
- Adjusting connected NTP Client with a regular time period
- Connecting to 9 displays at the same time
- Providing TCP connection to adjust the device through the LAN
- Rack-mount with 1U height
- RS422 connection and ASCII code and three of RJ45 ports
- Receiving date and time
- 12 to 40 VDC power
- preserving time and adjustments in case of power outage
- adjusting displays using the related application
displaying date and timeock master Clock
Analog Clock LED Display-T24M60
- Category: Clock System

SAAT Display with ability to display time, text message and temperature, is placed in a black metal box. It is installable on wall and uses an RJ45 jack for connection and getting power as well (customized option). The connection type is Ethernet and it connected to a server with NTP protocol to receive and display time. If no server connection is possible, it will locally calculate time and display it.
An interface application helps user apply desired configurations and adjustments like local time, display mode and … via LAN network.
Main features:
- Installable on wall
- LAN connection
- 3 millimeter LED
- 100 meter sight distance
- time display
- Receiving time and date from resources
- 100 to 2230 VDC power
- Preserving time and configurations in case of power outage
- Interface application
- Ability to display local time and Gregorian calendar
- Size S7: (700x700x250)